With [[Xia]]
My Hair Is flying ..Hoho..
With [[XinYu]]
So Leng Lui ..Still say Urself Ugly..
Beat U arrr..
My Hair Is flying ..Hoho..
With [[XinYu]]
So Leng Lui ..Still say Urself Ugly..
Beat U arrr..
With [[Huii ]]
i 'm hide at her back^^
Saw WHO is beside me??[[Dun't Pretend Concentrated Already]]
Today..[[Saturday]].. damn early wake up..at 6.15..a.m
BeCause..Gonna to school to hear Ceramah..
Woo..was Whole of the Hall..like without any space..
beccause ...all was people sat already ma~haha..
watched a Short film..
That talking about A GUY ..
after the accident [because of work]
he lost Both hand and 1 leg..
But his Cheerful was bring up Full of touch to Anyone..
He was not because lost his both hand and 1 leg feel degeneration..
his was cheerful and still can be self-reliance..
i'm respected his spirit..
After That Show..
Have 【继兴法师】
We Really lucky can Hear what he teached us..
By The Way ..I'm hearing With PAIN ..
My relative come and visit me arr!!!
haha~So Sat there Quite ?
Not..Im still talkertive with myJimui there..
haha..Continue ..
The master teaching us..Singing..
"Sing ..Everyone Singing..
Sing..Everyone Singing..
Let the TROBLE fly to sky become BUBBLE.."
no only sang in english ~still have Malay And Chinese
The master Last time was a Principle In few school..
And now was staying at American ..less and less we got chance to meet him..
So we're so lucky..
Finish The Ceramah..
Sat Jor almost 4 hour..
my bottocks..[[pain]]
my stomach also [[pain]]
haha~we having a box of Chao MiHun..and 1 of egg tart and 1 of coconut+panda tart..
But is white in colour de Chao mi Hun ..
haha..1st time i saw..
without sambai ..if not will more tasty..
finishing eating ..
start to chatting and ...
Take Photo ...
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